Environmental, social and economic compliance

As a chemical company, environmental, social and financial compliance are central to our license to operate, and we are compliant with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. Responsibility for this lies with our local entities supervised by our central legal department, in the Netherlands. If necessary, local Stahl companies can hire external counsel to assist with topics such as employee dismissals, permits or tax compliance. Our statutory reports are professionally audited, with the audit of our 2018 consolidated (IFRS) statutory report performed by PwC. This audit is controlled by Stahl Headquarters in the Netherlands.
Environmental and social governance (ESG)
The illustration gives an insight into our global governance regarding the corporate responsibility and sustainability that impacts our company and stakeholders.

Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) and ISO certifications
Our Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) policy is to manage our activities without hurting anyone, annoying our neighbors or harming the environment. All local managers and general managers are responsible for implementing the SHE policy and principles in areas under their control.
All our manufacturing sites are ISO 9001 certified and many ISO 14001, which provides the elements of an Environmental Management System (EMS) for achieving environmental and economic goals. An overview of Stahl’s SHE activities and ISO certifications can be found on our Safety, Health and Environment web page.
GRI’s Compliance standards
GRI’s Environmental Compliance and Socioeconomic Compliance addresses an organization’s compliance with environmental, social and economic laws and regulations. Compliance can relate to conventions and treaties, accounting and tax fraud, corruption, bribery, competition, labor issues, and so on.