Occupational health and safety for zero injuries and accidents

Stahl views the health and safety of our employees as our number one responsibility. All our activities, policies, monitoring, reporting and training aim to create a true safety culture with zero injuries and accidents.
Stahl’s Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) policy
The key principles of our Safety, Health and Environment policy are:
to have a strong safety culture across the organization;
safety, health and the environment are our top priority;
safety is more important than achieving a short-term result;
we implement best industrial practices and comply with all legal requirements;
knowledge is the basis for all decisions, and we require employees to train in the skills required to carry out their duties and make safety decisions.
Our safety policy is linked to our business activities and operations by a management system that sets out the need to:
implement safety principles through process conception, facility design, operation specification and the behavior of people;
identify and assess all hazards;
define safety measures to prevent incidents and accidents;
define safety measures to limit the potential consequences of incidents and accidents;
report and investigate all incidents, take the necessary actions and share and learn from them;
monitor safety performance with metrics and indicators;
audit and review hazards periodically;
be open to improvements made available in the industry;
ensure good practices in emergency response and crisis management preparedness;
celebrate and reward success in safety performance;
consider safety responsibility as a mandatory individual responsibility to be spread throughout the organization;
people must contribute to continuous improvements in safety by making suggestions that, assuming they are aligned with the SHE policy, could be implemented.
Road to Zero (R20) program
Stahl’s Zero Tolerance Policy defines unsafe behavior to ensure that people do not get injured at work. As a company, we have always placed a strong focus on providing safe products to our clients and a safe working environment for our employees and on-site contractors. On top of local efforts, we offer global support through the Global SHE and Process Safety manager, who is in charge of implementing our SHE policy and R20 (Road-to-Zero) program. The pillars of our R20 program are:
a true safety culture is a mindset that prevails inside and outside where you work;
a good safety record is never achieved through a big effort by a small group of people, but by lots of small efforts by a big group of people;
the potential consequences of injuries at work mostly affect people and their social network outside work;
our zero-tolerance policy on unsafe behavior ensures people are not injured at work.
Safety key performance indicators
We report our SHE performance annually in our ESG Report and track safety indicators to ensure we continue to improve our evaluation and prevention of risks. We report our injuries, incidents, audits, trainings, engineering projects and other prevention steps monthly, both internally and to our shareholders.
Read our ESG Report.
Occupational health and safety by GRI
Healthy and safe work conditions involve both prevention of physical and mental harm, and promotion of workers’ health. Read more about the GRI standard Occupation health and safety.