Frequently Asked Questions
What is Coupa? | Enrollment and enablement | Supplier Questionnaire | Coupa Supplier Portal | Supplier Actionable Notifications | Frequently Asked Questions |
What is Coupa?
Coupa is a leading cloud-based e-commerce solution that connects buyers with their suppliers. Coupa will be used to send purchase orders electronically.
Why is Stahl implementing Coupa?
Stahl implements the Coupa solution to better shape the buying experience of employees and suppliers. This change will allow us to work with our suppliers in a faster, more efficient manner and with even greater clarity.
How will Coupa impact the way Stahl works with suppliers?
To take full advantage of the platform and enable electronic transactions to flow to and from suppliers, selected suppliers will be enabled in Coupa in time for go-live at no cost to them. The Coupa Supplier Portal is a free tool for our suppliers to use and easily do business with Stahl.
Does the Coupa implementation impact all Stahl Regions/Countries?
Can I continue to transact like I do today after the Coupa go live?
No. You will not be able to transact as you do today after the Coupa Go-Live. Once live on Coupa, all new Purchase Orders will flow through Coupa. Invoices do need to refer to these Purchase Orders to enable smooth payments. There will be a sunset period to close out in-flight POs in the existing system.
Are suppliers required to sign up with Coupa?
Yes. Moving forward Coupa will be the sole platform for transacting with Stahl, with all new Purchase Orders flowing through Coupa. We need you to fill out the survey so that we can set your company up properly in Coupa to take full advantage of the platform and enable electronic transactions to flow to and from suppliers.
For those who opt to use the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP), it is a free tool for suppliers to use and easily do business with Stahl. Suppliers will need to access the CSP to accept the Coupa Terms and Conditions.
What if I already use Coupa for other clients? Do I need to enable a new account with Stahl or can I use the same account?
Once setup for us will be ready in Coupa, you will be easily able to link Stahl to your Coupa Supplier Portal account.
Is there a limitation on of user and any cost for additional users?
No. There is no user limitation and no cost for you to transact through this application.
Supplier Questionnaire
Why am I receiving this survey from Stahl?
Stahl is transitioning to our new Request to Order system - Coupa. We need your assistance in preparing and ensuring a smooth transition to our new process which will impact how you receive purchase Orders. We want to have our preferred suppliers in the Coupa tool to conduct business in the most efficient way.
I am not the proper contact for my company. What should I do?
If you are not the proper contact, please forward the survey to the correct person and please let us know with by email.
What information is needed to complete the survey?
The survey will ask for a variety of information, including:
Company Information: Registered Legal Name(s), Address(es), Tax ID(s)
Contacts needed for communications, training, setup/testing of POs & Invoices : (Name, email, Phone#)
Coupa Supplier Network options of how you wish to receive Purchase Orders from Stahl
What if I do not respond to the survey?
We will follow-up with you if we do not receive your completed survey in 2 weeks. It is important to get your company properly setup to transact with Stahl in our new Coupa system.
I have completed the Coupa implementation survey. What’s next?
Thank you for completing the survey. The information you provided will be used to get your company properly setup to transact with Stahl in our new Coupa system. We suggest you periodically visit our Stahl Coupa Supplier Page for any further updates which might impact your company.
I have completed the survey but I am still receiving reminders on mail to do so. Do I need to fill out the survey again?
In case you have multiple legal entities, we need 1 answer per legal entity.
Who can I contact at Stahl to discuss my Coupa enablement further?
You can reach out to your regular local Stahl procurement contact
Please download here the Supplier Questionnaire
What is the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP)?
The Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) is a portal which enables Stahl’s suppliers to receive purchase orders electronically.
What are the key benefits of joining the CSP?
Key benefits include:
Free self-serve tool for suppliers – easily update profiles and contact information
Easy-to-use – receive all Purchase Orders and track payment status in real time
Decreased paperwork – no longer need to print, mail or fax invoices
Standard processes = faster authorizations
Will we need additional software to use the CSP?
No additional software is required. As Coupa is a cloud-based technology, all you will need is an active email account and web browser to access the portal and transact with Stahl
How much does it cost to transact with Stahl via the CSP?
There is no cost for suppliers to use Coupa.
How do I register for the CSP?
Our Procurement Team will send you an invitation to join the CSP and we will partner with you to ensure a smooth transition to Coupa.
How long does it take to register for the CSP?
The registration process takes less than 5 minutes upon receiving the invitation email. Suppliers can expect to receive an invitation email from Stahl about 2-4 weeks before go-live.
I already have a Coupa Supplier Portal account. What do I need to do to enable Stahl?
We still need you to fill out the survey so we can set your company up properly in our Coupa system. Once setup, you will be easily able to link Stahl to your Coupa Supplier Portal account.
Is it possible to change from SAN to CSP?
Yes. If you would like to change to CSP please share your organizations name and send an email to your regular Stahl procurement contact.
Do we also receive purchase orders via e-mail if we select cXML as the transmission method?
If you select cXML as your transmission method, you will not receive purchase orders via e-mail. The cXML links directly between your system and Stahl’s system.
We’re going to need an external developer to set up cXML for us. Will Stahl reimburse this?
Stahl will not reimburse costs for cXML. If you do not have the capability to do cXML transmission, then we suggest you use the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) instead.
We’re familiar with EDI. Is this the same as cXML?
EDI and cXML are two separate transmission methods. Stahl moves to cXML transmissions and therefore will not support EDI connections.
Supplier Training and Support
Where can Suppliers go for training and support on Coupa?
References and support resources will be available on Stahl Coupa Hub. Please check the e-learning for more details.
Where can I find more information on the Coupa Supplier Portal?
Here are some useful links with information on the Coupa Supplier Portal: