Stahl EasyWhite Tan® — The metal-free tanning technology
Stahl EasyWhite Tan® offers Stahl’s customers an important step forward in the evolution of sustainable, metal-free tanning. The EWT technology removes many of the traditional obstacles in achieving quality leathers.
Using Stahl’s Granofin® Easy F-90 liquid as its base, EasyWhite Tan® offers tanners and brands a wide range of production, marketing, quality, and environmental benefits. These include soft, smooth and lighter leather in every color, more eco-friendly production, and a simpler, shorter tanning process.
Just some of the benefits of Stahl EasyWhite Tan®
More colors and application - same quality
Stahl EasyWhite Tan® can be used to tan an extensive range of leather products and applications, ensuring excellent functional performance.
Its white color is the ideal base for a wide range of color shades, enabling a high degree of design flexibility. Our system can also be used in developing a diverse range of leather applications – from leather jackets, trousers, and shoes to bags, gloves, and bracelets. And the possibilities in terms of look and feel are endless.
Leather tanned with Stahl EasyWhite Tan® also fulfills high physical performance requirements, including regarding flame-resistance.
Making leather softer, smoother, lighter
The quality of leather tanned with Stahl EasyWhite Tan® is outstanding – soft and smooth, while remaining dimensionally and thermally stable.
Compared with conventional metal-free tanning systems, the Stahl EasyWhite Tan® tanning process causes less damage to the collagen fibers, resulting in a tighter grain and wrinkle/vein reduction. The stronger fibers make the leather more durable, tear-resistant, and versatile – enabling thinner, lighter leather.
Low impact, improved end-of-life solutions
Stahl EasyWhite Tan® eliminates the need for pickling and basification, removing up to 80% of salts and acids from the tanning process. The result is a simpler, shorter, more energy-efficient process, and a reduced water requirement.
Because less water is used during the process, less wastewater is also generated compared with conventional metal-free tanning systems. The remaining wastewater can be fully recycled for use in either soaking or in liming, in place of fresh water. Granofin® Easy F-90 liquid pre-tanned EasyWhite® is biodegradable, including shavings and cuttings and thus provides a good base for biodegradable leather articles.
These key features make Stahl EasyWhite Tan® a safe, sustainable solution with benefits for the environment and to achieve regulatory compliance.
Want to know more about Stahl EasyWhite Tan®?
Download our latest brochure below.
Important information regarding the chemical composition and safe handling and application of Stahl EasyWhite Tan® is provided in our FAQ document.
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