The next generation chemistry for
high-performance retanning
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is set to introduce tighter restrictions regarding the use of bisphenols in manufactured goods. These restrictions will in turn apply to products used in leather processing. This will lead to the effective elimination of bisphenols from the European leather value chain by the end of the current decade.
Building on our extensive track record of innovating and proactively driving change, Stahl is working to provide customers with a high-quality ECHA-compliant product portfolio available before the restrictions come into force. We plan to achieve this through a combination of developing viable alternatives, converting existing products and introducing new technologies
Introduction of Tanicor® LB series
Tanicor®. LB series is a breakthrough in technology development to limit bisphenol content
Tanicor®. LB series maintains the core chemistry and purity of products without any dilution or modification
Tanicor®. LB series is to be produced with stringent process control to minimise bisphenol content from ‘not detectable’ to very low limit
Tanicor®. LB series performs as well as existing products already in use for leather retanning
Some products will be also available as part of the Synektan®.LB series
Next-generation chemistry: Syntura®
Syntura® is a breakthrough innovation from Stahl with next-generation chemistry for leather retanning
Syntura® range of retanning agents complies with all forthcoming environmental and chemical legislation (e.g., bisphenol, residual monomers etc.)
Syntura® range is designed to provide high-performance retanning, both for chrome and metal-free leathers
Syntura® range includes higher biomass or renewable content – using non-fossil-based carbon sources
Syntura® range contributes to a circular economy; aligns with Stahl’s 2030 ESG ambitions (incl. GHG emission reduction targets)
Syntura® range introduction:
Syntura® supports Stahl’s commitment to supporting a better and safer environment. The range will be introduced to the leather industry as part of a phased approach, starting with the following three series:
Product | Description |
Syntura® BP series | The Syntura® BP series is based on functionalised natural polymers and/or on polymers developed with renewable monomers. Syntura® BP-30: First biopolymer, designed to boost retanning features of crust. |
Syntura® HS series | The Syntura® HS series is based on hybrid technology with significantly higher renewable content and organic retanning agents. Syntura® HS-35: First hybrid, designed to contribute to fuller and tighter leather. |
Syntura® HP series | The Syntura® HP series is designed to have a significant renewable content in synergy with polymers and/or resins. Syntura® HP-10: First co-polymer with high renewables content, for a softer, tighter and rounded feel. |
Are you looking for more information?
Please get in touch with us.