
Create unique appearances with Stahl Edge Paint

Stahl’s Edge Paint portfolio gives manufacturers the ability to customize and protect the edges of accessories, unlocking the creativity of designers and providing a final touch of class. Alongside its aesthetic appeal, our Edge Paint offers outstanding performance and low environmental impact while opening up efficiencies in the production process. For any producer of accessories, our Edge Paint delivers the quality and responsible chemistry that today’s customers expect.

Create accessories that stand out with Stahl Edge Paint

Our latest Edge Paint solutions

Stahl Imperia®
We have developed the Stahl Imperia® range using the latest green technologies, while providing a high performing edge paint with high solids content and a silky feel. Thanks to its viscosity adjustment, Stahl Imperia® allows excellent machine maneuverability making it compatible with a multitude of machines, including various roll-printing devices and even hand applicators.

Stahl Orion
Stahl Orion Edge Paint was developed for customers seeking a solution for machine-driven production lines, where drying speed and covering are essential. Stahl Orion has a low viscosity, ideal for belt application lines, yet a high solids content, and is specifically designed for use on rolls with shallow printing. It dries fast and produces a good covering.

Fill out the download form to request our technical bulletins and learn more about Stahl Imperia® and Stahl Orion.

Stahl Ymagine®  
This innovative range offers the best quality bio-based edge paints with the highest percentage of bio-based content on the market. Following our ongoing strategy to de-fossilise our value chain we work with our customers to deliver solutions made with more renewable feedstocks while still offering outstanding performance. Stahl Ymagine® comes under the umbrella of Stahl Ympact®, Stahl’s range of renewable carbon products. 

  • Stahl Edge Paint

How can our Edge Paint support your designs?

  • Our polyurethane technology reduces cracking, peeling, and color migration

  • Its advanced formulation enables faster drying and fewer layers

  • Colored Edge Paint for the creation of vibrant, high-impact fashion statements

  • Custom Edge Paint co-developed to your specifications

Responsible chemistry in action

Our Edge Paint complies with and exceeds all the standards laid out in the Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL). Our Edge Paint products also use bio-sourced components, further reducing their planetary impact.

Global distribution network

To facilitate logistics and build a faster supply chain, our Edge Paint portfolio is commercialized by a network of certified and trained distributors. Present in 26 countries, this network ensures that your product gets to the right facility as quickly as possible. You can contact our Business Managers to get to know our products and closets distributors. Contact us to get to know our products and closets distributors.

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