The road to 100% bio-based polyurethanes
At Stahl, we use the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology to measure the environmental impact of a product and reduce our carbon footprint, in line with our commitment to developing innovative solutions with responsible coatings.
LCA and PCF data
In 2023, complete life cycle assessment (LCA) and/or product carbon footprint (PCF) data was made available for 353 products – representing 47% of Stahl’s total sales revenue.
The 9 LCA impact categories explained
LCA defines nine ‘impact categories’ that group different emissions – such as methane and carbon dioxide – by the effect they have on the environment:
Climate change: Climate change occurs when new lasting weather patterns emerge due to changes in the earth’s climate system. Global warming is a critical factor within this impact category.
Abiotic depletion: Abiotic depletion refers to the use of non-renewable material resources like earth minerals, metal ores and fossil fuels beyond their rate of replacement.
Land use: Land use is a pervasive driver of global environmental change. It includes the occupation of land for production – for instance, farming – and land transformation, such as turning grassland or forest into agricultural land.
Water consumption: Water consumption refers to both the impact of water use on its availability for humans and ecosystems and more direct impacts on the water resource such as pollution.
Eutrophication: Eutrophication refers to the potential of water to become overly enriched with minerals and nutrients which can lead to the excessive growth of algae (algal bloom) and reduced or insufficient oxygen (hypoxia). This can ultimately lead to a decrease in biodiversity.
Acidification: An increase in the concentration of acidic elements can lead to a change in the natural chemical balance. This is called acidification. The major cause of acidification is the deposition of sulfur, nitrogen oxides and ammonia in the air. Acidification can lead to a decrease in biodiversity, damages to forests, corrosion and human health issues.
Toxicity: Toxicity refers to the ability of a substance to produce an unwanted effect when it has reached a sufficient concentration within the body. If a product has a higher toxicity, a smaller concentration is necessary to cause harmful effects.
Photochemical ozone formation: Air pollution can lead to the formation of ozone at the ground level of the troposphere because of the photochemical oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and sunlight. High concentrations can damage vegetation, human respiratory tracts and manmade materials through reaction with organic materials.
Ozone depletion: The release of chemical compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine gradually thins the earth’s ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.

Do you want to discuss your needs on LCA?