
Stahl Procurement for solid and sustainable relationships

At Stahl sustainable sourcing is key to create positive impact, to successfully deliver our ESG commitments and ambition. We strive to ensure a transparent, well- governed supply chain. Therefore, we initiated the sustainable supplier management program and Ecovadis to engage regularly with our partners. We work on environmental, social and governance themes to make required progress together.  

Our partnerships can amplify our positive impact and allow us to touch even more lives, as part of a responsible value chain. As such, we ensure that our partners follow similar standards on issues such as environmental impact, health and safety and human rights. 

Supplier management program - Together we can

The coating industry relies on an interconnected web of suppliers, intermediaries, and other stakeholders. Our success is directly connected to our upward value chain: to ensure we source goods and services with the right quality, availability and data transparency. Of course they should also be aligned with our environmental, social and governance requirements. We carefully select our suppliers to meet our global sustainable procurement standards to innovate for a sustainable world together. 

The supplier management program is created to engage regularly with suppliers: to work together making a positive impact on environmental, social and governance themes. We are looking for partners that will contribute to increasing data transparency, reduced GHG emission and offer novel lower environmental impact raw materials for our sustainable innovation program. In addition, social and governance themes are also part of the ongoing dialogue since they are equally important to create a sustainable value chain together. 

Supplier management - Ecovadis

Stahl uses the Ecovadis system to gain more insights in the sustainability performance of our suppliers. EcoVadis provides holistic sustainability rating services of companies. Stahl is rated on the material issues as they pertain to their company's size, location and industry. The evaluation is based on 4 main themes: environment, human and labor rights, business ethics, and responsible sourcing. These evidence-based assessments are refined into scorecards. The scores lead to a medal (bronze, silver, gold, platinum). Stahl has been awarded with the EcoVadis Platinum Medal in 2024, for the 3rd consecutive time. 

Sustainability in procurement: Stahl Code of Conduct for Business Partners

As a company, we’re committed to the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 Principles. This means we expect our suppliers to commit to these as well in the areas of human rights, labor relations, environment, and anti-corruption. As we want to set an example in the areas of the environment and health and safety, we take a real interest in the working conditions at our suppliers. 

To ensure our procurement is sustainable, we believe it is essential that our suppliers follow our commitment. Our Supplier Code of Conduct is important in the integration and development of sustainability in procurement.

Please find below our Code of Conduct for Business Partners in other languages:

Click here to download our general conditions of procurement

Click here to download our general conditions of purchase

Indirect spend supplier: Working with Coupa

We work with a cloud-based purchasing tool Coupa to communicate with our suppliers and facilitate all purchase orders for our indirect needs (non- raw materials). The benefits of Coupa for the supplier includes: 

  • Privileged position for you as a preferred supplier that orders come your way

  • Clear expression of needs through catalogue guided buying

  • Faster processing of purchase orders

  • It’s free! No added costs for suppliers

  • No software or hardware to download

  • Easily accessible via your e-mail or internet browser

  • Self-serve tool for suppliers provided – easily update profiles and contact information

  • Easy-to-use – receive all Purchase Orders in real time

  • Decreased paperwork – no longer need to print or mail purchase orders

Read more about Coupa

We continuously collaborate with suppliers on innovations, that offer us and our customers a competitive edge. We welcome new suppliers that support our mission. Please contact us if you would like to become a Stahl supplier partner.