Ethical and transparent business practices

At Stahl, we take our responsibility to our stakeholders seriously, demonstrating ethical, transparent and accountable business conduct that forms the foundation of good corporate citizenship.
This responsibility includes our governance of ESG matters. Stahl has a dedicated ESG team that is responsible for collecting and reporting environmental data, alignment with the ZDHC guidelines, and EcoVadis ratings, amongst others. In August 2024, Stahl achieved an EcoVadis Platinum rating for the third year in a row.
Our strategic direction and supporting policies are influenced by and aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our policies are designed to mitigate potential risks across a wide range of issues, including human and labour related rights, the environment and anti-corruption.
Ethics and compliance
Quick links | Policy library
Business Code of Conduct
General conditions of procurement
Employee engagement is critical to compliance, so we provide robust training and compliance programmes, such as our anti-bribery and anti-corruption training, which was completed by 91.5% of employees worldwide in 2023. The Stahl Code of Conduct outlines what is expected of every person who works for Stahl, and each year we publish a Compliance Report that provides an overview of our policies, processes and performance.
We also have a Code of Conduct for our business partners, to ensure that they abide by the applicable anti-corruption laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. It is noted that Stahl takes a risk-based approach regarding the requirement of the signing of its Code of Conduct by relevant business partners. We encourage our suppliers to use the EcoVadis business rating system. EcoVadis provides us independent insights in ESG performance of our suppliers.
Engaging with our stakeholders
Our approach to ESG governance starts with understanding our stakeholders' needs and expectations of us on the issues that matter to them. We interact with our stakeholders to better understand their perspectives and priorities when it comes to our company and the industries and markets in which we operate. This engagement helps to create a more transparent supply chain that reduces our collective environmental footprint.
How we define and involve our stakeholders
We expect every Stahl location and business to engage with its stakeholders on an ongoing basis, which can include employees, customers, governments, NGOs, industry associations, universities, communities and media. We are in regular contact with all these stakeholders about industry developments, our activities and services and other important topics, such as our Materiality Matrix.
The below overview provides a snapshot of how we form and maintain productive relationships with our key stakeholder groups.
Stakeholders | Engagement activities |
Employees |
Customers |
Distributors and agents |
Investors and shareholders |
Suppliers |
Consumer brands |
Government (incl. public authorities) |
NGOs and Civil Society |
Industry associations and foundations |
Academic institutions |
How we engage with stakeholder feedback
As we continue to assess our business activities on their corporate responsibility and sustainability, we welcome critical questions and feedback that help us decide what we should do to keep people informed, establish trust and form partnerships. If you have any feedback for us, please get in touch.
Are you looking for more information?
Please get in touch with us.