Stahl Procurement for solid and sustainable relationships
At Stahl sustainable sourcing is key to create a positive impact to successfully deliver on our ESG commitments and ambition. We strive to ensure a transparent, well- governed supply chain. The coating industry relies on an interconnected web of suppliers, intermediaries, and other stakeholders. Our success is directly connected to our upward value chain: to ensure we source goods and services with the right quality, availability, data transparency and, of course, in alignment with our ESG requirements.
Our Sustainable Sourcing strategy is structured around three key pillars:
Supplier Code of Conduct
Supplier Sustainability Performance through EcoVadis rating and on-site audits
Sustainability of Raw Materials as part of our Scope 3 carbon footprint reduction roadmap and traceability of renewable raw materials
The supplier sustainability management program is created to engage regularly with suppliers on ESG topics and ensure that we work together to make a positive impact on environmental, social and governance themes. We are looking for partners that can contribute to increasing data transparency, reduced GHG emission and offer novel lower environmental impact raw materials for our sustainable innovation program. In addition, social and governance themes are also part of the ongoing dialogue since they are equally important to create a sustainable value chain together.
Supplier sustainability performance
Following a risk-based approach, Stahl invites key business partners to get rated by Ecovadis, bringing more insights in their sustainability performance. EcoVadis provides a rating service by assessing the 4 main themes in corporate sustainable responsibility: environment, human and labor rights, business ethics, and responsible sourcing. These evidence-based assessments are refined into scorecards, leading to a medal (bronze, silver, gold, platinum) depending on the maturity level of the company’s sustainability management system.
We closely monitor supply base on sustainability performance evolution. As outlined in our 2030 ESG Roadmap, we aim to bring our supply base above a 40 EcoVadis score through proactive engagement by 2026, and to have a consolidated supply base with a minimum bronze rating by 2030. In order to achieve this goals, we are committed to enable supplier improvement in their sustainability practices through Corrective Action Plans and tailored supplier engagement. In the case of suppliers that consistently maintain a low score, or that decline to participate in the EcoVadis sustainability rating, Stahl will propose to conduct a 3rd-party on-site supplier audit, with focus on working conditions. In the event of major findings, Stahl will encourage the supplier to implement appropriate corrective actions and will monitor progress. Ultimately, if sustainability performance is still not satisfactory after the EcoVadis rating or audit and corresponding corrective actions, Stahl could decide to (gradually) phase out such supplier, depending on the circumstances.
If you are Stahl’s business partner and wish to become part of Stahl’s EcoVadis network, feel free to register here:
Stahl Code of Conduct for Business Partners
As a company, we’re committed to the United Nations Global Compact’s 10 Principles and we strive to uphold human rights, labor relations, environment, and anti-corruption principles in our own operations and across our supply chain. As a baseline to build on sustainable procurement practices, we ensure that our suppliers commit to these standards, as outlined in our Business Partner Code of Conduct. Stahl expects its business partners to use a proactive approach in establishing and maintaining standards set forth in this Code. Particularly, we want to set an example in the areas of environment, health and safety and working conditions.
As outlined in our Business Partner Code of Conduct, Stahl encourages stakeholders to proactively come forward with their concerns about compliance topics. Our formal Grievance Mechanism/Whistleblower is open to all Stahl employees as well as anyone outside Stahl. It is a way to raise and discuss compliance issues and complaints in total confidence. Reporting can be done anonymously. Protection applies to the whistleblower.
Stahl expects business partners to encourage all its employees and workers to proactively report their compliance concerns through Stahl’s Grievance Mechanism/Whistleblower.
Sustainability of raw materials
Scope 3 reduction targets
As ratified by SBTi, by 2030 we will reduce our absolute scope 3.1 GHG emission (purchased goods and services) by 25% (with a 2021 baseline), and we strive to achieve half of that reduction through close work and collaboration with our suppliers. In a global context of complex, long supply chains, we believe in the power of supplier engagement and strong partnerships. We place high value on suppliers who align with our carbon reduction goals, are actively working on their own emission reduction journeys, and will help us achieve our ambitious sustainability targets.
Our strategy centers on identifying and understanding the high-intensity raw materials in our supply chain. To this end, we are requesting our key suppliers to provide primary data on strategic raw materials, allowing us to better understand the potential for reducing emissions in Scope 3.1. This data will guide our efforts as we continue to refine and enhance our reduction actions.
As we work towards fully integrating environmental metrics into our sourcing decisions, we prioritize partners who are investing in their own decarbonization actions and are able to offer lower-carbon solutions at competitive prices. Furthermore, we encourage suppliers to explore innovative, alternative materials with a reduced carbon footprint, contributing directly to lowering our Scope 3 emissions in line with the GHG Protocol and the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) guidelines.
Supply chain transparency for renewable raw materials
As the chemical industry strives to transition to more sustainable practices, alternative raw materials are emerging as a key enabler towards the defossilization of the chemical industry. By leveraging renewable feedstocks such as biomass, captured greenhouse gases, and waste plastic, it is possible to offer the highest performance and quality while reducing the industry’s dependency on fossil-based materials. However, these materials must be sourced responsibly to avoid negative environmental and human rights impacts.
At Stahl, we recognize the importance of supply chain transparency to manage risks and ensure accountability. We work closely with our trusted suppliers to ensure traceability of bio-based raw materials, requesting transparent information on upper supply chain stages. By collecting detailed data on the origin of renewable raw materials, we can better understand and mitigate potential risks associated with their production, such as deforestation, biodiversity loss or human rights abuses.
As consumer and regulatory demands for product transparency grow, our commitment to responsible sourcing and supply chain management helps us maintain stakeholder trust and meet the market’s evolving demands for sustainable products.
Indirect spend supplier: Working with Coupa
Indirect spend supplier: Working with Coupa
We work with Coupa to communicate with our suppliers and facilitate all purchase orders for our indirect needs (non- raw materials). The benefits of Coupa for the supplier includes:
Privileged position for you as a preferred supplier that orders come your way
Clear expression of needs through catalogue guided buying
Faster processing of purchase orders
It’s free! No added costs for suppliers
No software or hardware to download
Easily accessible via your e-mail or internet browser
Self-serve tool for suppliers provided – easily update profiles and contact information
Easy-to-use – receive all Purchase Orders in real time
Decreased paperwork – no longer need to print or mail purchase orders
We continuously collaborate with suppliers on innovations, that offer us and our customers a competitive edge. We welcome new suppliers that support our mission. Please contact us if you would like to become a Stahl supplier partner.
Are you looking for more information?
Please get in touch with us.