Meet Alessandra Medeiros
Stahl is proud to have a team of talented individuals dedicated to drive organizational & financial management improvements. Alessandra Medeiros, Head of Finance - South America at Stahl Portao (Brasil), is one such person. In this blog post, we also get to know Alessandra’s role in Stahl’s DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) activities.

What you do, what’s your position in Stahl?
I’m the head of finance responsible for South America Region. Part of my daily responsibilities is to manage my team, monitor business performance, cost control, cash management, compliance routines and accounting reports.
What do you do within the DEI - Steering Committee (SteerCo)?
I joined the SteerCo early 2024 and a I am part of the Engagement Working Group since then.
Together with the other SteerCo members, we are planning important initiatives aiming a good level of engagement index. Another current nice part is to help SteerCo members to address the DEI strategic plan for 2024.
Why did you decided to be part of the SteerCo?
As a woman, mother of quadruples (two boys and two girls), I have in my personal values the responsibility to be an inspirational leader and create a positive impact in my society, that's my purpose. Therefore, being part of this transformational journey with Stahl in terms of DEI aspects gave me the chance to connect my professional role with my personal purpose. It's a big responsibility but also an opportunity to make the difference.
In addition, this is a wonderful opportunity to learn about different cultures and interact with colleagues from different countries.
How do you see the DEI journey in Stahl has evolved?
I see very good improvements in Brazil and also in other countries. Looking into the last two years, the most important is that we are moving forward every month and there are excellent examples in all countries about how DEI journey has impacted our employees and our society. This is a legacy for the company and a rewarding experience to me.
How do you see DEI contribute to the Stahl business?
I believe a DEI mindset (with focus on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity) will bring more creativity and innovation with positive impact in our business. By the end of the day, there is an indirect connection between ESG aspects (including DEI topics), business performance and sustainable results with positive impacts in terms of EBITDA and cash generation as well.
If you could switch lives with anyone for a day in Stahl, who would it be and why?
I would like to switch the day with a colleague from commercial area to learn more about our business, to be in contact with our customers and understand the same topic with a different approach. This would give me important insights about the market and customer experience.
Thanks for sharing your story, Alessandra!