Our worldwide presence enables our positive impact

Our organization

Stahl is a customer-driven company with headquarters in the Netherlands and strategic business units for leather processing, performance coatings, and packaging coatings across the world. Each business unit is managed centrally and has dedicated commercial and technical service staff around the world.

Leading responsible chemistry

Our commitment is to foster ethical behavior through the example of our leadership and by providing training, and robust compliance programs. Explore this section to learn about Stahl’s governance and leadership, and how we deal with ethics and compliance.

Board of Directors

The Stahl Board of Directors, our highest governance body, is a one-tier board and consists of Stahl’s CEO and CFO and eight non-executive members

Privacy Policy

Stahl’s Leadership Team

Our leadership team represents the Business Units, Finance, Operations, Innovation, R&D, Sustainability and Marketing, HR and includes the Group CEO

Compliance within Stahl

The Stahl Group is committed to ensuring that the activities of the Stahl Group and its employees are conducted in accordance with the applicable law & regulations, the relevant compliance policies and rules as adopted by the Stahl Group. 

Strategic Business Units

Stahl’s Leather Business Unit covers the entire leather making process from beamhouse to leather finish. Performance Coatings is the global leader in high-performance coatings and the building blocks for flexible substrates, such as synthetics, textile, paper and plastic. Packaging coatings focuses on high-performance packaging and printing coatings for graphic arts and industrial customers

We serve the world

Our worldwide coverage enables us to have a positive impact across the global leather, performance coatings and packaging coatings industries.

Are you looking for more information?

Please get in touch with us.